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Transit Data Quality.

Data quality is key. If a multi-modal journey planning
app offers an impressive interface, but the passenger
information is wrong, the travel experience will be poor,
and the user might not use the app again.

If inaccurate data is used to analyse network performance or inform
policy outcomes, the analysis is likely to be flawed and
reduces confidence in the insight it offers. High quality
data is at the heart of a positive user experience.

Public transit data receives frequent comment but
lacks detailed definition or exploration.

The aim of this whitepaper is to examine the concept of data quality in
public transportation. This includes an analysis of the
various types of data involved, as well as the challenges
encountered in aggregating public transit data for journey
planning and assessing the service performance of a multimodal

complete information source

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What is data quality?

Not all quality dimensions are equally important for all use cases. For example, real-time data dimensions are important to travellers as they navigate their journey,
whereas for some planning use cases, complete and consistent schedule data can be sufficient.

Data creation is a dynamic process

In this paper you will learn about both Dynamic and Static data creation and corrections.

Static data quality challenges and how to address them

Static data includes information about stops, routes and timetables, which collectively create an accurate representation of the planned services that a public transit
agency intends to operate.

A high-quality aggregated static data set integrates feeds from all transit agencies,
incorporating all public and shared transportation modes.
As previously outlined it is important that the data is complete, up-to-date, accurate, consistent, rich and interoperable.

About Ito

We are always innovating and enhancing our products and solutions to make public transportation more sustainable. Ito has been solving transportation challenges across the globe for millions of travellers every day since 2006. Our software solutions offer precise, comprehensive and consistent data to assist with planning and decision making, resulting in more dependable services. Our intelligence is used by transit policymakers, journey planners, operators and service providers for the seamless functioning of public transit and shared multimodal mobility systems worldwide.

Like our customers, we believe that public transit should be safe, efficient, sustainable and equitable. Together, we’re using data to make this vision a reality.​

High quality data in - High quality data out

simplify the complex